Calgary’s Luxury
Boudoir Studio
Empowered Women, Empower Women
Unleash your inner Strength and Beauty
Get to know me!
I am a mother of 6 - that is seriously not a typo. We had our first just after my 18th Birthday! And we were done having kids at 28! 6 kids in 10 years, I am a master of organized chaos.
2. Postpartum Depression almost took my life, on more than one occasion. After our third child it took every ounce of my being to get to the other side. I also was blissfully unaware of postpartum anxiety, until then, which was crippling. Now I am a firm believer in supporting women in every and any capacity I can.
3. I have been a photographer for 14 years.4. I love skiing and dirtbiking equally, and as such I have created kids who also are adrenaline freaks! Pray for me!